Thursday, 23 April 2015



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Hello comyvz we are back with another FAN PROJECT!

This time we are gonna create a LYRICS MUSIC VIDEO for the song "THE OTHERS"
Our version of the MV will try to keep the flow of the original video -
Check out what we need and join us to be part of it!

What we need?
Option 1:
PHOTO of your self holding a paper with the "word" we will give you
Option 2:
Group VideoClip with a sentence we will give you

Further explanation:
- For the Photo you will be given a word from "The Others" lyrics, You will need to take a photo with it; you can draw, print, write the word as you want just make it understandable - then for the photo we need your dynamic photo - with smiley face or while you are saying the word, or shouting or jumping ---- express your creativity !!!! It just don't have to be a classic pose photo because we need to keep up with the original MV style !

- For the Video: we need two or more people on it, it has to be a group clip, we will give you the sentence from "The Others" lyrics that you need to say together !

How many comyvz we need?
- 59 for the Photos
- 4 for the video clips

* You can join both but you need to tell us if so !

How to join?
- Email us at with the subject "TheOthers"  writing your Name & country + for which of the FP you join the Photo Or/and the Video !

We will accept entries until we have reached the number of comyvz that we need.
We will close it once we have all the comyvz and the we will reply to your mails giving you parts!

Then you will have a week to send us your entry !

Soooo are you ready to make this happen ? Be part of THE OTHERS MV by COMYVZ !!!

NOTE: Please Join it only if you are sure you're able to send us your part!

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